
Liver cancer Treatment

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Yes! It is essential to understand what liver cancer is and how it develops and spreads in the body. It begins in the Liver. As the body’s cells multiply and increase rapidly in numbers going out of control, liver cancer develops.

Understanding the basic structure and operations of the Liver helps understand this disease.

what is Liver cancer

Liver – The Vital Organ:

The Liver is the largest internal organ of our body. Located slightly below your right lung, under your right rib cage, it has two lobes (sections).

As we know that our vital organs look different from the muscle tissues, Hepatocytes are the primary type of cells that make up the Liver. In addition, it also has different cell types, like those that line its blood vessels and those that line the bile ducts. These bile ducts are tiny tubes in the Liver. Bile is generated and transported through the bile ducts from the Liver to the gallbladder or the intestines.

Remember that your Liver is essential to your survival. It performs many crucial tasks in the body.

Liver Functions:

It stores the absorbed nutrients from the intestine and is broken down and stored by it. Before being used for energy production or the synthesis and maintenance of human tissues, several nutrients must be metabolized in the first place.

Furthermore, it creates most clotting components that prevent excessive bleeding when the body is cut or damaged. It sends bile into the intestines to aid nutrient absorption, such as fats.

In addition, hazard-causing elements like alcohol, narcotics, and other wastes are broken down in the blood and expelled from the body through urine and feces.

When it is vulnerable, many types of malignant (cancerous) and benign (non-cancerous) tumors can develop in the Liver. These tumors are unique in their cell types. Hence, these cancers are diverse from one another in terms of their prognosis, their causes, and, consequently, their treatments.

Causes of Liver Cancer:

The precise cause of liver cancer is unknown. But cirrhosis (liver damage and scarring) is a common factor in most cases. Also, many other factors, including years of heavy alcohol consumption and a protracted hepatitis B or hepatitis C virus infection, can contribute to cirrhosis.

Because the above infections can result in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, it is believed that obesity and a poor diet can raise the risk of liver cancer.

Simultaneously, one must avoid or consume less alcohol while maintaining a nutritious diet and exercising regularly. Because these steps can reduce the chance of catching hepatitis B and C, you may significantly reduce your risk of developing liver cancer.

causes of liver cancer

What are the types of Liver Cancer?

There are 2 types of liver cancers, namely Primary and Secondary Metastatic Liver Cancer.

Primary liver cancer predominantly starts in the Liver’s tissue. Hepatocellular carcinoma’ and cholangiocarcinoma’ are the two main kinds of primary liver cancer generated in the bile ducts.

Secondary metastatic liver cancer generally spreads to the Liver from other body parts.

liver cancer types

Hepatocellular Carcinoma:

Hepatocellular carcinoma is the most typical kind of liver cancer. Regarding this kind, cancerous cells develop in the tissues of the Liver itself.

Simultaneously, a very uncommon variation of this condition is fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC).

Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer):

It is found that Cholangiocarcinomas within the liver account for 10% to 20% of all tumors. These tumors begin in the Liver’s tiny bile ducts. As already discussed above, bile ducts are the tubes that deliver bile to the gallbladder. Yet, most cholangiocarcinomas generally start in bile ducts located outside the Liver.

Angiosarcoma and hemangiosarcoma:

These uncommon tumors start in the lining cells of the Liver’s blood veins. These cancers are more likely to manifest among people most exposed to vinyl chloride or thorium dioxide. Also, there are more cases of genetic hemochromatosis, exposure to arsenic or radium, or sometimes both. It is impossible to pinpoint a likely etiology in around half of all instances.

Unfortunately, by the time these tumors are discovered, the cell division typically has gone too far beyond surgery. These cancers receive similar care as other sarcomas.


Hepatoblastoma cells resemble fetal liver cells. It is a rare type and it generally affects youngsters under four. Also, these tumors are difficult to treat if they have spread outside the Liver. But, very few children with these tumors are successfully treated with modern allopathy. 

Metastatic Liver Cancer (Secondary Liver Cancer):

The instance when cancer is discovered in the Liver, it is believed that it probably did not start there. This cancer is called secondary liver cancer since it has spread from its original site. But it spreads from other parts like the pancreas, colon, stomach, breast, or lungs. Based on the primary site, these cancers are given names and treatments for where they started. 

Benign Liver Tumors:

Benign tumors occasionally become large enough to be cured. But they do not invade neighboring tissues or spread to other body parts. 


Hemangiomas are the most prevalent benign liver tumors. They begin in blood vessels. Most hepatic hemangiomas are painless and do not require medical attention. 

Hepatic adenoma:

Hepatocytes are the origin of this tumor. Most of these tumors are symptomless and do not require any necessary treatment. Yet, in some rare cases, these result in symptoms like pain, a mass in the belly, or bleeding. Medical professionals often suggest surgery to remove the tumor because there is a chance that it could rupture and result in significant blood loss, along with a little chance of turning someday into liver cancer.

Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH):

Many cell types comprise the tumor known as focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) (hepatocytes, bile duct cells, and connective tissue cells). It is benign, and FNH tumors can nevertheless present with symptoms. Also, it is challenging to distinguish from actual liver cancers. Therefore, doctors generally remove them. 

For your information, Hepatic adenomas and FNH tumors affect women more frequently.

What are the symptoms of Liver Cancer?

Below, we are giving a short list of symptoms. But they do not indicate that you have liver cancer. In actuality, other diseases also have similar or the same symptoms. Nonetheless, remember that it is a good idea to consult a physician if you have any of these symptoms to address.

  • losing weight without working on it
  • appetite loss
  • feeling complete with a modest meal
  • Vomiting
  • An enlarged liver that causes right-side fullness under the ribs
  • If there is a feeling of fullness under the left side ribs, it indicates an enlarged spleen.
  • Discomfort in the right shoulder blade or the middle of the belly.
  • Abdomen swelling
  • Itching
  • Yellow eyes (jaundice)
  • fever, swollen veins on the abdomen, and even unusual bleeding or bruising.
liver cancer symptoms

In some cases, Liver tumors make hormones and affect the other organs around them by spreading.

    1. Hypercalcemia, or high blood calcium levels, can result in many issues like nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, weakness, or muscle issues.
    2. Hypoglycemia can make you feel weak or tired.
    3. Shrinking of the male testicles and growth of the male breasts (gynecomastia)
    4. Erythrocytosis is an elevated red blood cell count, and it can make a person appear flushed and red with high cholesterol levels.


What are the stages involved in the growth of Liver Cancer?

liver cancer growth


Stage 1:

This could be a primary tumor of any size. And this has not invaded any blood vessels yet. The cancer is not metastasized to the local lymph nodes. In turn, there are two subgroups under this stage.

Stage 1A: A primary tumor that is smaller or equal to 2 cm

Stage 1B: The primary tumor, which is larger than 2 cm.

Stage 2:

At this stage, there can be more than one primary tumor that has invaded blood vessels (the size of all these primary tumors is smaller than 5 cm). But, the cancer is not spread to local lymph nodes or distant locations.

Stage 3:

There are two subgroups under this stage:

Stage 3A: 

If the cancer reaches this stage, there will be several tumors discovered. Probably one of them is over 5 cm in size. But, neither local lymph nodes nor distant locations are not affected. 

Stage 3B:

At this stage, several tumors will be discovered, and at least one expands into a portal or hepatic vein branch. Still, there is no evidence that the liver cancer has migrated to local or distant lymph nodes.

Stage 4:

It is stage 4 of liver tumors, where cancer may have migrated to its neighboring lymph nodes or distant locations inside the body. In general cases, complex liver cancer will not spread, but if it happens, the lungs and bones are the most typical sites of metastasis.

There are two substages again:

Stage 4A: 

There can be more than one any sized tumor, and the cancer has extended to the lymph nodes in the area, but it has not yet reached other organs.

Stage 4B:

Tumors could be of any size, and one or several can be discovered. Here, the cancer may or may not have affected the lymph nodes, but it has progressed to distant organs like the lungs or bones.

In contrast to other cancers, liver cancer is made more difficult. Severe and perhaps fatal diseases can arise from impaired liver function. Even the choice of treatments can be impacted by decreased liver function. Because most patients have damage that restricts the organ’s function, understand that the Liver helps you with digestion and whole-body cleansing, which is a vital function.

How to prevent Liver Cancer?

Vaccination for Hepatitis:

Chronic hepatitis infection is the riskiest factor causing liver cancer. Research shows that the HCV core protein is the cause of the development of hepatocarcinogenesis. Also, according to another study, those with chronic HBV and HCV infections are more likely to develop liver cancer and cirrhosis.

Hepatitis spreads from person to person through body fluids via contaminated needles, blood transfusion, unprotected sexual contact, or during childbirth

Thankfully, Hepatitis B and C are manageable. Hepatitis B is prevented with effective vaccines, while the hepatitis C vaccine is still under research and development. Hepatitis C has fewer noticeable symptoms, so individuals at risk of hepatitis C must be screened. However, highly effective treatment options are available today.

Keep an Eye Your Fatty Liver:

Steatosis (fatty Liver) occurs when the Liver contains 5–10% fat by weight. If the fat deposits in the liver cells are not brought on by alcohol, it is known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). NAFLD is more common in people with high lipid levels, obesity, or diabetes. 

Cirrhosis or liver scarring could result from this illness. NAFLD is still asymptomatic and can be unintentionally discovered through ultrasound. Fatigue, weight loss, abdominal pain, jaundice, edema in the legs, enlarged belly, or ascites are some of the symptoms. Elevated liver enzyme levels may also exist here.

Control Alcohol Consumption:

The Liver processes the primary component of all alcoholic beverages, ethanol. And its breakdown produces acetaldehyde and free radicals as byproducts. Free radicals easily bind to biological targets like DNA which are the building blocks of cell signaling pathways. In addition, acetaldehyde can also cause glutathione depletion, an essential antioxidant involved in body detoxification.

Therefore, alcoholism sustained over time produces a lot of free radicals and acetaldehyde, eventually leading to abnormal cellular function. 

Quitting alcohol consumption is an excellent approach to preventing liver problems. When preventing cancer, it is better to understand that alcohol consumption is not a safe idea. But sticking to a specific discipline is the least one can do to minimize risk. It is because a person with cirrhosis brought on by alcohol has a less than 50% probability of surviving. But giving up alcohol can help them a lot.

Attain Good Daily Routine:

Remember that a good diet high in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds can significantly improve liver function. Along with this, maintaining optimal body weight, exercising frequently, and drinking adequate water can all help better liver function. Also, alcohol can cause potential harm to the Liver. This threat can be significantly reduced by quitting alcohol and smoking. In this way, we find the best chance to prevent and lower cancer risk. And this is possible only if one is aware of our health and makes healthy decisions.

How Punarjan Ayurveda Treats Liver Cancer?

Prepare to immerse yourself in the profound realm of Punarjan Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicinal wisdom. Within the hallowed corridors of this sanctum, we hold a holistic and deeply personalized methodology, crafted to defeat liver cancer. By this pulsating rhythm of our natural healing, we strive to unlock the mysteries of tissue restoration. In the house of Punarjan Ayurveda, we wholeheartedly recognize that the journey embarked upon by each liver cancer warrior is unparalleled. Our Ayurvedic practitioners weave an elaborate sequence of comprehensive treatment ways, wherein the physical, mental and spiritual bodies come into harmony. 

This is a realm where nature’s blessings spring forth, tailor-made to caress the nuances of your soul’s yearnings. Our adept skillfully curated and personalized herbal formulations, are renowned for their anti-cancer potency and liver-rejuvenating prowess. These concoctions can magnify the symphony of therapeutic virtues, and fight against the ravages of cancer. Feast your senses upon the nutritional wisdom as we offer dietary guidance customized to nourish your liver’s very essence. Ayurveda is a wholesome and life-sustaining fare tailored to improve the longevity of people. For this reason, we join the chorus of lifestyle modifications, fostering serenity, and equilibrium.

We at Punarjan Ayurveda believe that people must be aware of how healing works so that they can enhance the future generations by participating in their own healing. We provide compassionate support and specialized treatment to fight liver cancer. In your fight against liver cancer, believe in the transformational force of Punarjan Ayurveda. Accept the ancient strategy that respects nature and possesses wisdom that harmonizes body, mind, and soul. Together, we can recover wellness and experience the joy of a harmonious life.

Our Liver Cancer Survivor Stories


Why do people get liver cancer?

Liver cancer has many causes. Hepatitis B or C, alcoholism, and fatty liver disease increase risk. Obesity, hazardous medicines, and genetics also contribute. Liver health involves a healthy lifestyle, vaccination, and early liver-related medical treatment.

What are 4 symptoms of liver cancer?

Liver cancer presents itself through various symptoms, indicating this concerning condition. Let’s explore four common signs that should be kept in mind:

Abdominal pain: Liver cancer patients commonly have upper abdominal pain. This pain might be subtle or acute and may extend to the back or shoulders.
Unexplained weight loss: This may indicate liver cancer. Consult a doctor if you lose weight without changing your diet or exercise.
Fatigue and weakness: Liver cancer can induce extreme fatigue and weakness even after rest. Chronic fatigue can impede daily functioning and quality of life.
Jaundice: Yellow skin and eyes indicate liver malignancy. Liver-produced bilirubin causes it. Jaundice may cause dark urine and pale feces.

How long can you live with liver cancer?

Liver cancer is complicated and unusual. Liver cancer patients’ outlook and lifespan depend on illness stage, general health, treatment options, and reaction to them. If diagnosed early and treated properly, individuals can live for years. Advanced liver cancer has a shorter lifespan and a worse prognosis.

Is liver cancer curable?

Early detection cures liver cancer. Liver cancer can be treated with liver transplantation, Ayurveda, targeted therapy, radiation therapy, or tumour removal. Cancer stage, patient health, and treatment responsiveness affect these therapies’ efficacy.

How does liver cancer start?

Tumours originate from unregulated liver cell growth. Stimuli cause liver cancer. The liver filters, digests, and stores energy. Hepatitis B or C, drinking, and fatty liver disease lead to liver cancer. Liver inflammation and scarring cause cancer. Metastatic liver cancer occurs when cancer cells spread. Renegade liver cells cause malignancies.

Is liver cancer fast spreading?

Liver cancer spreads quickly. After its onset, liver cancer can spread to the lungs, bones, and lymph nodes. Liver cancer’s spread might vary greatly. Early detection and therapy are crucial to manage and stop the spread of liver cancer.

What age is liver cancer common?

Liver cancer, a condition predominantly observed among individuals aged 50 and above, though not limited to them, has the potential to manifest across various age groups, defying any particular age-related boundaries.

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