This is the story of Sigmoid Colon Cancer Survivor Seetharamulu

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How did it start?

As a farmer in the Khammam area, I live a simple life. The roots of my life are as strong as the things I care for. Aside from the land, the fields are like a caring mother who takes on all my happiness and sadness. My daughters are my pride, my farm is my world, and the food I grow is a gift. At age 47, my family gives me comfort and purpose. I cherish the quality time I spend with them.

Even though things were quiet, there is a storm coming. I started to get stomachaches all the time, which quickly got in the way of my daily plans. As a farmer, I hoped it would end, but the pain kept going on. I went to a nearby hospital because out of worry, the doctors told me I had colon cancer. The bad news—sigmoid colon cancer—was a shock.

Battle After Diagnosis:

Even though I live a healthy life, my trip took a turn I wasn’t expecting. The first evaluation led to a biopsy, which proved my worst fears. It was expected, and the cancer was terrible. Still trying to deal with this harsh truth, my family and I went to Tiruvuru and then Khammam to get more medical help. There, doctors told us we needed specialized care. There were many scary things ahead, but I was determined to fight.

The First Halt:

I went from hospital to hospital, looking for solutions. With each visit, there were new tests and worries. The doctors in Hyderabad mentioned surgery, which is a scary process that might involve taking out part of my colon. It was hard for me to make the choice, but I agreed to the surgery. 

The surgery went well, but the test showed that the colon cancer was in Stage 3. It was an essential part of my battle, and what I did next was also very important.


When I thought about getting treatment, I was worried about the side effects. I went to Punarjan Ayurveda Hospital to find a different way. I found hope in this peaceful place, with caring doctors. When I was accepted in July 2023, my health improved. Punarjan Ayurveda’s treatments, based on ancient knowledge and holistic healing, gave me a new start in life.

After six months of treatment, the doctors told me they needed to do more tests. I was hesitant at first, but in the end, I agreed. The positive results were a big step forward in my healing. I recognized Punarjan Ayurveda’s massive effect on my life with thanks and ease. The hospital not only treated my cancer, but it also gave me hope that I could get better.

It is My Stand!

My story shows how powerful hope and strength can be. My journey has been brave and determined, from the fields of Khammam to the healing halls of Punarjan Ayurveda. It shows how complimentary methods can work and how vital holistic care is. People who are fighting cancer can get strength and hope from my story about how Punarjan Ayurveda changed our lives.

My belief in Punarjan Ayurveda’s principles about integrative cancer care with support of its founder, Dr. Bommu Venkateshwar Reddy, serves as a new hope. Our story is not just about survival but about thriving against all odds—a compelling narrative of healing and renewal that inspires us all.