Empowered by Healing: Mrs. Suguna’s Story of Strength and Renewal

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Inspiring Educators in Manikonda Village

Mrs. Suguna and her husband, Madhavulu, founders of Vagdevi Vidyalayam, are devoted to shaping their community’s future through education and care for their 400 students.

My husband, Madhavulu, and I, Mrs. Suguna, are proud residents of Manikonda Village in Telangana, India. Here, we are not just educators but passionate advocates for shaping our community’s future. We established Vagdevi Vidyalayam, a private school, out of a deep love for education and our nation.

My life took a profound turn when, at the age of 36, I faced and triumphed over cancer—a battle that tested my strength and resilience. This journey has been a source of inspiration and hope for everyone around me.

In our school, we treat our 400 students as our own. Madhavulu teaches biology and life skills, while I focus on preserving the beauty of the Telugu language and its imminent challenges. Despite teaching different subjects, our goal remains unified: to provide our children with a solid foundation through education and discipline.

Teaching is not just a profession but a calling for us. We are dedicated to our students, prioritizing their needs and striving for success.  

Overcoming Adversity

It is a story of resilience and determination as Mrs. Suguna faces her stage 4 breast cancer diagnosis with inspiring strength.

A lot of the time, pursuing a goal comes with challenges. For me, this time, the challenge was enormous: I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My journey is one of resilience and determination, inspiring people around the globe.

It started with knee and back pain, gradually eroding my usual cheerful demeanor. As a teacher who loved her job, I found myself confined to my home, exhausted and unable to complete even simple tasks.

My husband, Madhavulu, a biology teacher well-versed in cancer symptoms, grew increasingly concerned. Because of his knowledge and other people’s whispers, his fears grew stronger every day. Eventually, in February 2021, we sought help at a renowned hospital in Hyderabad. The tests confirmed my worst fear: stage 4 breast cancer. 

Renewed Hope through Punarjan Ayurveda

Follow Mrs. Suguna’s journey from illness to renewed vitality through compassionate care and holistic treatments to learn about the transformative power of Punarjan Ayurveda.

I’ve been faithfully taking my prescribed medicine from Punarjan Ayurveda for almost a month and immediately noticed a difference. By the second month, I had gained enough strength to handle tasks independently, a significant change from being primarily bedridden. The treatment at Punarjan Ayurveda has genuinely transformed my life in less than two months.

Thanks to Punarjan Ayurveda, my drive and zest for life have been reignited. After nine months of dedicated treatment, I can now enjoy everyday activities with renewed vigor. I genuinely believe in Punarjan Ayurveda’s ability to give anyone a second chance at life.

Reflecting on my journey through illness, I remember feeling a hunger for improvement within just 15 days of starting their medicines. Within two months, I could walk again—a deeply cherished milestone. I owe my recovery to Punarjan Ayurveda, as it has enabled me to resume my life just as before.

My husband, Mr. Madhavulu, also shares his perspective on my journey. He has seen firsthand how I regained enough strength to manage my tasks and contribute to our household chores, all thanks to Punarjan’s effective treatments.

Punarjan Ayurveda provides hope and healing to cancer patients like me, significantly improving our quality of life. Their treatments offer a lifeline to those who might otherwise feel hopeless or overwhelmed by fear. I’m particularly grateful for their daily “Inspiration Class” sessions, which motivate and boost confidence among patients like me. Thanks to its dedicated team, the hospital truly lives up to its name, Punarjan.

Even our teachers have expressed admiration, noting how inspiring it is to witness someone battling cancer with such resilience and dedication. They’ve mentioned feeling proud to work alongside someone like me, who exemplifies strength and positivity. 

I’m deeply thankful to Punarjan Ayurveda for bringing me back to health and restoring my zest for life.