How Does Rasayana Ayurveda Stop Cancer Mutation?

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In certain cases, cancer emerges because of hereditary transformations prompting uncontrolled cell division. Rasa Shastra is a specialized part of Ayurveda that plans to improve and revive tissues through natural immunity using different formulations of herbs, minerals and modalities.

Here is a specialized outline on how Rasayana Ayurveda possibly assists in controlling cancer mutations!

A Compound Interpretation:

It is astonishing to know that several Rasayana compounds demonstrate anti-mutagenic effects in lab studies. Formulations like Chyawanprash show antigenotoxic activity by inhibiting DNA strand breakage induced by tobacco carcinogensTriphala decreases chromosomal aberration while Ashwagandha constituents like Withanolide A & Withaferin AProtect against mitochondrial mutations. Phytochemicals like Curcumin (Curcuma longa) and Embelin (Embelia ribes) induce DNA repair mechanisms by upregulating damage-repair pathways genes.

How Do Rasayana Medicines Control Mutation?

Additionally, “Rasayana therapies modulate mechanisms associated with mutagenesis and cancer progression”. Chyawanprash increases activity of antioxidants and phase II liver detoxification enzymes which mitigate oxidative DNA damage from reactive intermediates.

Guggulu formulations reduce inflammation by inhibiting NF-kB signaling which is implicated in oncogenesis. Guduchi & Ashwagandha limit uncontrolled proliferation by upregulating tumor suppressor proteins p53 and pRB while formulations like Abhrak Bhasma and Heerak Bhasma induce cancer cell apoptosis.

Furthermore, Rasayana regimens promote detoxification procedures like therapeutic emesis which eliminate vitiated doshas, stagnant excretory products and environmental mutagens. Yoga practices also encourage lymph flow to drain carcinogenic factors from tissues. Rasayana further rejuvenates healthy cells and prevents depletion from cytotoxic therapies.

The Observation: 

Overall these modalities target different mechanisms driving mutagenesis and malignant transformation – genotoxicity, oxidative stress, epigenetic alterations, metabolic toxicity etc. In considered combination with chemotherapy/radiation, Rasayana as adjuvant therapy may potentially restrict tumor variants and evolution of resistant cancer cell phenotypes. However, large scale studies and clinical evidence remains lacking. Individualized formulation is also necessary based on prakriti, subtype and stage of cancer.