Signs And Symptoms Of Throat Cancer

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Throat cancer refers to the development of malignant tumors in the pharynx, larynx, or tonsils, which are the structures that make up the throat. It can also be referred to as laryngeal or pharyngeal cancer. The signs & symptoms of throat cancer can vary depending on the location of the tumor.

However, some common signs of throat cancer are:

  • Persistent sore throat: One of the most prevalent symptoms of throat cancer is experiencing pain or discomfort in the throat that does not go away.
  • Changes in voice: Cancer in the throat can affect the voice, causing it to sound different than usual. The voice may be weaker, huskier, or it may seem like you have a cold all the time. You may also have difficulty pronouncing certain words or slurring some of your words.
  • Difficulty swallowing: Throat cancer can make it painful or cause a burning sensation when chewing or swallowing food. You may feel as if the food is sticking in your throat.
  • Lump in the throat: An enlarged lymph node can cause a lump in your throat. However, lumps that come and go are not typically caused by cancer, whereas cancer usually forms a lump that gradually increases in size.
  • Weight loss: Unintentional weight loss is a common symptom of various cancers, including throat cancer. Throat cancer can make eating painful and swallowing difficult, leading to weight loss.
  • Headaches: Headaches can be a symptom of advanced throat cancer, particularly if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
  • Difficulty opening your mouth: Throat cancer can cause stiffness in the jaw, making it difficult to open your mouth.
  • Difficulty moving your tongue: Cancer in the tongue or throat can make it challenging to move your tongue. White patches on your tongue or the lining of your mouth that don’t disappear.
  • Coughing up blood: Coughing up blood can be a symptom of advanced throat cancer.
  • Nosebleeds: While nosebleeds are typically not a sign of throat cancer, they can occur in advanced stages of the disease.

Throat Cancer Diagnosis

Imaging tests:

These may include X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, or PET scans, which can help to identify any tumors or abnormalities in the throat.


This involves removing a small sample of tissue from the suspected tumor, which is then examined under a microscope to determine if it is cancerous.


This is a procedure that involves inserting a thin, flexible tube with a camera on the end (an endoscope) into the throat, which allows the doctor to view the inside of the throat and take biopsies if necessary.

Blood tests:

These may be done to check for any signs of infection or inflammation, or to assess the function of various organs in the body.

Causes of Throat Cancer

  • Tobacco use (including smoking cigarettes, cigars, or pipes) is the most common cause of throat cancer.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption can also increase the risk of throat cancer, especially when combined with smoking.
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is another significant risk factor, particularly for oropharyngeal cancer (cancer of the tonsils or back of the throat).
  • Exposure to certain chemicals, such as asbestos, can increase the risk of developing throat cancer.
  • Poor oral hygiene and chronic irritation or inflammation of the throat may also increase the risk of cancer.
  • A family history of throat cancer or other types of cancer may also increase the risk.
  • Age and gender may also play a role, with men over the age of 50 being at a higher risk of developing throat cancer.
  • Other risk factors include poor nutrition, weakened immune system, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Prevention of Throat Cancer

  • Quit smoking and avoid all tobacco products.
  • Limit alcohol consumption, or avoid it altogether.
  • Practice good oral hygiene and get regular dental check-ups to detect any early signs of oral cancer.
  • Avoid exposure to harmful chemicals and pollutants, such as asbestos or diesel exhaust.
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, which contain antioxidants that may help protect against cancer.
  • Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight, as obesity has been linked to an increased risk of several types of cancer.
  • Protect your skin from excessive sun exposure, as sunburns can increase the risk of lip cancer.
  • Stay informed and aware of your family history of cancer, and talk to your doctor about any concerns you may have.

If you have any of these cancer symptoms, take Ayurveda treatment, and it will help reduce the cause of the disease and help you come out of liver cancer. For this, consider the Best Cancer Hospital In Hyderabad Punarjan Ayurveda.


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