Do Ayurveda Medicines Have Side Effects?

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Ayurveda Treatment:

Ayurveda treatment started in India 3000 years ago. It works as an Ayurveda medicines based on your disease. Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word, Ayur means life, and Veda means the science of knowledge. Ayurveda treatment balances both the health and mind of a person. It will change your lifestyle by using natural therapies and gives more to the body. Ayurvedic medicine starts with total body purification followed by special diets, yoga, mediations, herbal remedies, etc. The primary basics of Ayurveda are Prakriti and life forces such as doshas.

The main goals of Ayurveda treatment are to eliminate impurities from the person’s body, increasing hormones in life, reducing symptoms, increasing resistance to disease, reducing worries, and keeping the mind regular, by avoiding stress, etc. Ayurvedic medicines are prepared with herbal plants, including oils, common species, and some natural herbs. Ayurvedic medicine is as natural as homeopathic medicine, Chinese medicine, and western medicines without any radiation or artificial drugs in the treatment. 

Ayurvedic medicine mostly used a range of treatments from incense days in India. The content of Ayurveda treatments is called panchakarma. Panchakarma causes five actions such as acupuncture and herbal medicine, yoga, massage, and encourage health and wellbeing. These help you to reduce the risk of any disease from the body. Sometimes panchakarma therapies are also harmful to the patient. Before going to it, please check your Ayurveda hospital reputation and doctor experience and ask about treatment benefits and side effects of treatment. It will help you to prepare and take medicine.

What Are The Benefits Of Ayurvedic Therapies?

Many Ayurvedic techniques are involved in Ayurveda treatment based on your body condition and the type of disease. Let’s see some Ayurvedic therapies offered by Ayurveda hospital are

• Breathing exercises.

• Massages.

• Yoga.

• Acupuncture.

• Dietary changes.

• Sound therapies by using mantras.

Herbal medicines with the combination of herbs and metals, gems and minerals. These herbal Ayurvedic medicines are called Rasha shastra medicines, and these are in the form of tablets, powders of various colors, pellets, and scents.

Panchakarma treatment consists of five therapies, including emesis, bloodletting, and enemas.

These are possible Ayurvedic therapies that use to treat any cancer disease in Ayurveda.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Ayurvedic Treatment?

There are more than 250 plant remedies used to prepare. Ayurvedic medicine and also 600+ herbal formulas use. These give a person relief from pain and increase vitality in the body. In most cases, these remedies use to avoid harmful diseases caused by bacteria in the body. These remedies categorize into groups according to their health effects. Some Ayurvedic herbs may be beneficial to human health and give pain relief such are four Ayurvedic herbs that are

Triphala: Triphala is a botanical formula containing three Ayurvedic herbs belleric myrobalan, myrobalan, and amla. It exerts antioxidant effects that mean they can neutralize free radicals, and this can cause long-term harm to cells. With the help of Triphala, Ayurveda doctors are delaying many aging-related problems like heart diseases and cancer. It gives more benefits by treating obesity, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, etc. The persons who take Triphala as an Ayurvedic treatment can quickly lose body weight.

Guggul: It cut down the cholesterol level from the body. Guggul is an Ayurvedic herb made from the oily sap of the guggul tree native to Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. Guggul has been used to treat the disease like cardiovascular since back in the 7th century. It will take a 12-week course to treat cardiovascular disease, and it is doubtful to cure hyperlipidemia or high cholesterol.

Boswellia: This is a source from the resin of the Boswellia tree, and Boswellia is called Indian frankincense. It is very rich in Boswellia acids. This compound protects against anti-inflammatory effects in test tubes & used to treat chronic inflammatory conditions such as COPD, ulcerative colitis, asthma, and cardiovascular disease.

Gotu kola: Gotu kola is known as the perennial plant of the Apiaceae genus. It is also known as Centella Asiatica or Asiatic pennywort. Doctors give Gotu kola as a tonic to alleviate mental fatigue, improve mood and anxiety. It can exert a mind-stimulating effect. Proponents believe that Gotu kola can enhance human memory and help overcome cognitive problems in people such as heart stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, etc. It can work as a temporary energy booster and help people.

These are the four Ayurveda herbs beneficial to human health and give people relief from any disease. Take the best Ayurveda treatment from the best Ayurveda hospital.

What Are The Possible Side Effects Of Ayurvedic Treatment?

Not all Ayurvedic herbs cause’ side effects sometimes; certain Ayurvedic herbs may cause side effects. So, before taking Ayurveda treatment, ask your doctor about Ayurvedic remedies and their possible side effects.

Some of the remedies that cause’s side effects are:

• Triphala: Abdominal discomfort and diarrhea, especially if you take Triphala in high doses.

• Guggul: Vomiting, nausea, hiccups, belching, headaches, stomach upset, loose tools, etc.

• Boswellia: If you apply Boswellia to the skin, it may cause allergic rashes, stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea.

• Gotu kola: Sensitivity to light, stomach upset, nausea, and allergic rashes (when you apply to skin).

Ayurvedic herbs are necessary to some people, such as pregnant women, children, and nursing mothers, because of a lack of quality research. If you use high doses of Ayurvedic drugs, it may impact chronic medical conditions are cause Side effects in a person.

What Are Some Drug Interactions That Have To Occur?

• Triphala: Blood thinners like Plavix or Coumadin.

• Guggul: Conjugated estrogen or estrogen-based birth control.

• Boswellia: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Aleve (naproxen), Advil (ibuprofen), Coumadin, and Plavix.

• Gotu kola: Statin drugs like pravachol (pravastatin), antifungals like diflucan (fluconazole), Tylenol (acetaminophen) and sedatives like Ativan (clonazepam) or Ambien (zolpidem).

know more about Why Ayurveda Treatment Is Best For Cancer


This information on this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content in this site contained through this Web site is for general information purposes only.

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