
Bladder cancer

1. What is Bladder Cancer?

It is a typical form of cancer that starts in the bladder cells. In the human body, the lower abdomen has a hollow muscular structure called the bladder that stores urine.

The urothelial cells that line the lining of your bladder are where bladder cancer most frequently develops. Kidneys and bladder are connected via ureters. Also, the kidneys themselves contain urothelial cells. Although it can occur in the kidneys and ureters as well, bladder urothelial carcinoma is significantly more prevalent.

bladder cancer

Fortunately, the majority of bladder cancer cases are discovered in their early stages, and of course they are quite curable. Yet, even early-stage bladder tumors might recur following a curative regimen.Because of this situation, bladder cancer patients frequently require follow-up exams for years following treatment to check for bladder cancer if it is recurring. 

2. Ayurvedic Perspective of Bladder Cancer:

According to Ayurveda, bladder cancer is caused by an imbalance in the 3 doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and poor digestion. The toxins accumulate in the body due to poor digestion leads to the formation of tumors in the bladder.

Ayurvedic treatment for bladder cancer involves cleansing the body of toxins, improving digestion, and restoring balance to the doshas. This is achieved through a combination of herbal remedies, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications even.

Herbs such as turmeric, ashwagandha, and guggulu are commonly used in Ayurveda to treat cancers (in fact, any type of cancer). In addition, a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and veggies, as well as whole grains, is recommended. Lifestyle changes such as stress reduction, regular exercise, and adequate sleep are also important in preventing and treating bladder cancer from an Ayurvedic perspective.

3. What are the types of Bladder Cancers?

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  • Transitional Cell Carcinoma (TCC): This is a very probable type of bladder cancer, accounting for about 90% of all cases. It starts at the cells that line the inside of the bladder and is further divided into two subtypes – Non-invasive and Invasive Transitional Cell Carcinoma.
  • Non-invasive TCC: This bladder cancer is confined to the innermost layer of the bladder and has not spread to the deeper layers or other parts of the body.
  • Invasive TCC:  This type of bladder cancer has spread beyond the innermost layer of the bladder and may have spread to the deeper layers or other parts of the body.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma: This is a bladder cancer less common than TCC and starts in the thin, flat cells. It can form in the bladder after long-term inflammation or irritation. Examples of such long term health disturbances could be that caused by chronic urinary tract infections or long-term catheter use.
  • Adenocarcinoma: This is a rare type. And, it starts in the glandular cells of the bladder lining. It may also be associated with a history of long-term irritation or inflammation.

Less common types of bladder cancer include small cell carcinoma, sarcoma, and lymphoma, which are all aggressive and require specialized treatment.

It’s important to note that the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of bladder cancer may vary with respect to the type and stage of the cancer. For that reason, regular check-ups with a healthcare professional can help with early detection and treatment.

4. What are the symptoms of Bladder Cancer?

It can cause a range of symptoms, with respect to the stage and location of the cancer. In general, the symptoms of bladder cancer can be categorized into two types: 

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Lower urinary tract symptoms:

Blood in the urine: Urine that contains blood is the most typical sign of bladder cancer and this condition is called hematuria. One can see thuis with the naked eye or detected only by microscopic examination. Blood in the urine may be intermittent or continuous. Also, it may be accompanied by pain or discomfort in the urinary tract.

Painful urination: Bladder cancer can cause pain or a burning sensation during urination. This symptom is most common in cases where the cancer has invaded the lining of the bladder or the muscles surrounding the bladder.

Frequent urination: Bladder cancer can also cause frequent urination, especially at night (nocturia). This symptom is often associated with other urinary tract conditions. Such conditions include urinary tract infections or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Please be informed that it may not always be indicative of bladder cancer.

Urinary urgency: Bladder cancer can cause a sudden, urgency to urinate while the bladder is not full.

Systemic Symptoms:Systemic symptoms are those that affect the body as a whole. They may be present even if the cancer has not yet spread beyond the bladder. These symptoms can include:

Fatigue: Bladder cancer can cause fatigue or weakness. This condition is due to the body’s efforts to fight cancer.

Weight loss: Bladder cancer might have symptoms, including unexplained weight loss. But this generally happens in advanced cases.

Swelling in the feet: Bladder cancer can cause swelling in the feet and ankles. This often happens due to a buildup of fluid in the body.

Anemia: Besides, bladder cancer can cause anemia, which is a condition characterized by a low red blood cell count. Consequently, anemia can cause fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath.

5. Stages Involved in the Growth of Bladder Cancer:

The stages of any cancer describes how far the cancer has spread and how invasive it is. Below is a detailed description of the stages involved in the growth of bladder cancer.


Stage 0: Non-invasive bladder cancer

The cancer in this stage is confined to the inner lining (urothelium) and has not yet migrated to the muscle layer of the bladder wall and it is also called as carcinoma in situ (CIS). It means that the cancer cells did not move to adjacent lymph nodes or other parts of the body. 


Stage 1: Invasion into the connective tissue

Here, the cancer has grown into the connective tissue beneath the urothelium but has not spread beyond the muscle layer of the bladder wall. We must understand that the cancer has not migrated to closeby lymph nodes or other parts of the body


Stage 2: Invasion into the muscle layer of the bladder wall

Coming to stage 2, the cancer has invaded the muscle layer of the bladder wall. Factually, this stage is divided into two sub-stages, IIa and IIb, depending on the extent of the invasion. At this stage 2, the cancer may have spread to adjacent lymph nodes, but it has not yet moved to other parts of the body. 


Stage 3: Invasion into nearby tissues

This stage of cancer refers to an invasion of the prostate gland, uterus, vagina, or pelvic wall by the disease. At this stage, the cancer may have also affected the lymph nodes, but it has not affect to other parts of the body. 


Stage 4: Distant metastasis

Cancer that has reached stage 4 has gone to the bones, liver, or lungs, among other body organs.. This stage is also known as metastatic bladder cancer. Treatment options for stage 4 bladder cancer depend on the extent of the metastasis.

In conclusion, bladder cancer is a complex disease that progresses through several stages. The sooner you detect the cancer, the better the chances of successful treatment. Regular screening tests and timely medical intervention are crucial to manage this disease. 

6. What are the causes of Bladder Cancer?

The exact cause is always undetermined. But below, we are trying to provide several causes and factors that are associated with an increased risk of developing the disease. 

  • Smoking: One must quit cigarette smoking if it comes to the case of bladder cancer. Also, chemicals in tobacco smoke, particularly a substance called benzene, can damage the cells that line the bladder and lead to cancer.
  • Exposure to chemicals: Exposure to certain chemicals, such as aromatic amines used in the dye industry, can increase the risk of bladder cancer. Therefore, people who work in industries that use these chemicals are at a higher risk of developing bladder cancer.
  • Age: It is a fact that the risk of bladder cancer increases with age. Because, most of the cases are diagnosed in people over the age of 55.
  • Gender: It is understood by constant observation that men are generally prone to develop bladder cancer than women, although the reasons for this are not entirely clear.
  • Chronic Bladder Inflammation: Chronic inflammation of the bladder caused by recurrent urinary tract infections, can increase the risk of bladder cancer.
  • Genetics: In some cases, inherited genetic mutations may increase the risk of bladder cancer. However, these mutations are relatively rare, and even there are cases of bladder cancer occurring in people without a family inheritance of the disease.
  • Radiation exposure: Exposure to radiation, for example chemo and radio therapies during cancer treatment, can increase the risk of bladder cancer.

You must notice that many people with bladder cancer have no risk factors, and many people with risk factors do not develop bladder cancer. However, knowing the risk factors can help individuals take steps to reduce their risk of developing the disease.

7. How can we prevent Bladder Cancer?

In the first step, we must understand that there is no foolproof way to prevent bladder cancer or any type of cancer. But, there are several steps that you can follow to reduce your risk of developing the disease. We are sharing some of the easiest steps so that you can keep Bladder cancer at a bay. 

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Quit smoking: Because, smoking is the leading cause of bladder cancer, accounting for over 50% of all cases. If you have a habit to smoke, quitting is the best idea to reduce your risk.

Drink plenty of water: Drinking more water can help flush out toxins from your body and reduce your risk of bladder cancer. So, aim to drink at least 4 liters glasses of water a day.

Limit exposure to harmful chemicals: Your risk of developing bladder cancer may rise if you are exposed to dangerous chemicals, such as those used in industrial settings.

Eat a healthy diet: To reduce your risk of bladder cancer, choose a diet high with fruits, vegetables, and grains. Steer clear of processed foods, alcoholic beverages, and foods heavy in trans and saturated fats.

Stay physically active: The chance of developing bladder cancer can be lowered by regular exercise. Try to engage in light activity for at least 30 minutes on the alternate days of the week, such as walking, yoga or cycling.

Practice good hygiene: If you suffer bladder infections, your risk of developing bladder cancer may rise. You can reduce your risk by wiping the parts from front to back after using the restroom and avoiding harsh soaps and douches.

Get regular check-ups: Frequent doctor visits can aid in the early detection of bladder cancer, when it is most curable. Your doctor might advise extra screening tests if you have a family inheritance of this cancer or are at high risk owing to other factors.

8. How Punarjan Ayurveda Treats Bladder Cancer?

Prepare to embark on a transformative journey in our serene environment. It is the place where traditional healing converges with the cutting-edge frontiers of modern medicine. 

Welcome to Punarjan Ayurveda!

Our therapy is woven with the threads of ancient Ayurvedic wisdom intricately intertwined with the contemporary medical breakthroughs. Indulge yourself in our treatment symphony that is carefully designed to harmonize with your unique battle against this formidable disease.

Within our sacred halls, we forge an arsenal that protects against chronic diseases. Witness the multidimensional medical era unfolding. 

Our bold mission—a quest to eradicate cancer deaths and to defeat the malicious forces that threaten your health lies beneath the surface of symptom relief. We work to strengthen the natural immunity of your body by boosting resistance.

We created a place where the junction of rejuvenation and detoxification unfolds.

We must recognize the underlying reality that bladder cancer is not only a physically dangerous environment, but it can affect one’s emotions too. With this understanding, our team acts as guides and protectors during your quest. We are here to solve mysteries and spread information so that we can illuminate your path. 

Punarjan Ayurveda enthusiastically anticipates your visit as the horizon of possibilities rises up. Today, we take a historic step to reach out to every possible victim of cancer and support them with the help of ayurvedic elixir. It is an offered ray of hope by Mother Nature. Remember that you are never fighting this difficult struggle alone; because Punarjan Ayurveda will be at your side the entire time standing firm.

What were the first signs of bladder cancer?

Bladder cancer presents diverse initial indications from person to person, but a few shared early symptoms encompass:

Blood in the urine: Hematuria—blood in the urine—is a prominent indication.
Frequent urination: Increased urine urges might disrupt daily routines and cause discomfort or stinging during urination. 
Pain or discomfort: Bladder cancer patients may feel pressure or lower abdominal pain.
Changes in urination: Bladder cancer can cause urgency, difficulty starting or stopping urine flow, and a weak stream.

Is bladder cancer curable?

Bladder cancer is curable. Many bladder cancer patients can beat it with early detection and treatment. Bladder cancer stage and categorization determine the best treatment.

What is the main cause of bladder cancer?

Bladder cancer primarily arises from prolonged exposure to detrimental substances, mainly tobacco smoke, which holds significant culpability. Nevertheless, several other elements, such as specific chemicals, persistent bladder infections, and familial background, can additionally wield influence.

Who is at risk for bladder cancer?

Bladder cancer doesn’t discriminate—it can strike anyone. However, the risk factors are not to be taken lightly. Lighting up cigarettes or indulging in tobacco products elevates the chances.

Can a person live with bladder cancer?

Bladder cancer is manageable. The outlook and outcomes depend on the stage and aggressiveness of the malignancy, overall health, and therapy efficacy. Family support and access to resources also assist people in managing bladder cancer.

Does bladder cancer spread quickly?

Bladder cancer has many characteristics and spread rates. The bladder’s inner lining sometimes slows it down. In other cases, it moves faster, invading nearby tissues or conquering distant organs. 

Can bladder cancer cause death?

Bladder cancer is a deadly disease. It might spread to other parts of the body if left untreated. Malignant cells can invade the bladder wall and surrounding organs and travel through the bloodstream or lymphatic system. 

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