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Best Diet for Covid 19 Recovery

How to diet for Covid 19 for Recovery?

A diet is essential to plan, which can use to reduce your risk of many diseases. Whatever you eat can drastically affect many features of your health, and including your risk factors, also developing chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetics.

28 Covid 19 Diet

Many foods are containing beneficial compounds that could help increase the growth of our immunity. Several studies show that a better intake of certain foods might be related to a lower risk of the disease. Eating healthy food can help your immunity in many ways; keeping a healthy lifestyle will help you lower the risk factors of developing diseases, get good treatment, and recover fast when you’re diagnosed with COVID 19. Intake excellent and healthy foods that will prevent you from viruses and help you lower your risk to avoid the risk factor; you have a diet plan that will help you more.

Increase your immunity system, which is more important for patients who have diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and lung-related issues. They are at a high risk of getting Covid 19 affected; it starts increasing with people with less immunity. Covid 19 is a spreading infection, so to avoid it, you should have solid immune power and don’t interact with such activities as smoking or consuming alcohol. It will directly affect your lungs. Your immune system consists of multiple sets of cells to protect your body against invading viruses, toxins, and bacteria.

Protecting your immune system healthy is the key which preventing infection and bacteria from entering your body. Creating a healthy lifestyle by taking proper nutritious foods and enough sleep, and some essential exercise is the gate to increase your immune system power. A nutritious diet will increase your immune system, which cannot go wrong; if you have reliable immune power, then you can protect your body from infections and disease, even from Covid 19, till you get the vaccination to protect you from virus; there are some vitamins and food which you can include in your diet to build immune system strong and safeguard your body from viruses and bacteria.

What is the diet plan after COVID 19 recovery?

• Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins and nutrients are thought to reduce the risk of various types of diseases.

• The Mediterranean diet mainly focuses on plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts.

• Orange or yellow-colored fruit and vegetables are a rich source of beta-carotene, which is the precursor of vitamin A and a potent antioxidant, which helps fight off highly reactive molecules that can harm our body and lead to serve diseases.

• Sip green tea is a powerful antioxidant throughout your day and maybe an essential part of a diet.

• Green tea may help prevent various diseases.

• One cup of green tea contains an anti-tumor ingredient.

• Eating more tomatoes research has confirms that it contains antioxidant lycopene, which is in tomatoes, maybe more powerful than beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and vitamin E.

• Use olive oil loaded with health benefits, so it’s no wonder it’s one of the staples of the Mediterranean diet.

• Use garlic and onions abundantly; research has found that garlic and onions can block the formation of nitrosamines, potent carcinogens that target several sites in the body.

• Garlic contains diallyl sulfides or allium compounds, which enhance the activity of immune cells that fight harmful viruses entering your body.

• Eat fish it contains omega three fatty acids reduces the risk rate and boosts your immune power. Flaxseed consuming flax that has phytoestrogen lignan that shows promise in diminishing the onset of estrogen-stimulate.

• Almond eating may positively affect the body almonds are high in monounsaturated fat, which considers being healthy. They are also high in flavonoids are implicated in the natural removal of risk-causing agents from the body.

• Using turmeric, among the most currently researched of reduces fighting food, turmeric has repeatedly been shown to be effective and even block viruses and bacteria growth.

• The naturally occurring compound found in turmeric, curcumin, exhibits numerous properties.

• Cinnamon is well known for its health benefits, including reducing blood sugar and ease inflammations.

• Intake dark green (raw, salads, juice, smoothie, or lightly cooked)

• Eat berries and whole fruit.

• Consume plant-based protein food like beans, nuts, seeds &quinoa.

• Intake whole, unprocessed grains like (oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice, whole-wheat bread)

• Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and kale- all cabbage family members are highly toxic towards increasing the immunity system. They contain fighting compounds and help reduce the risk factors; folic acid has been found to prevent and destroy the various viruses and build an immunity system.

• Don’t compromise in your sleep:  sleep at least 7-8 hours, which will help build your immunity power.

• Drink water 8-10 glasses daily, which keeps your body hydrated, and drinking water removes all harmful toxins from your body with water, sometimes intake juices containing vitamins c and tender water.

• Perform some light exercise in the morning, which will increase your immunity power for a longer time, exercise at least 35-40 min; if you have not started your practice, then start now.

• Stop taking alcohol and smoking, which is very risky for your body, and it will harm your lungs, and you will face problems while breathing.

• Avoid Travelling as much as possible.

• Avoid sugar and starting in taking Jaggery more.

• Inhale steam daily with mint leaves or camphor oil.

• Keep sanitizing your hands in every 5 min.

• Be in positive surroundings, which can increase your immunity power.

• Intake vitamins D, vitamins c zinc, elderberry, medicinal mushrooms, B complex vitamins boost immunity supplements.

To protect yourself and your loved ones from Covid 19 viruses till you get the vaccination, these are the food and some vitamins and herbs which will help in increasing your immunity power.


This information on this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content in this site contained through this Web site is for general information purposes only.

Lung cancer Diagnosis and treatment

Treatment of lung cancer

What is the treatment of lung cancer?

Lung cancer generally diagnosed in an older adult who is a heavy smoker or has quit smoking many years. Doctors say them with some tests to do.

Imaging tests:  In this test, the abnormal mass can identify X-ray, MRI and CT scans, and PET scans. This test can give more details about the group which is growing.

Sputum cytology: Sputum test said to those with cough they take their sputum and keep under the microscope and tell them how many cells are present in the lung cancer.

Tissue sampling: An abnormal cell growth can be removed by doing a biopsy producer. This biopsy can determine if the tumor cells are cancerous or not. By doing this test, we can obtain a tissue sample.

Bronchoscopy:  In this test, the light tube is passed through your throat and into your lungs to examine the closer view of lungs cells.

Mediastinoscopy:  In this test, doctors slit at the base of the neck a light instrument put and surgical tools used to take the sample from your lymph nodes. The test is performed under the anesthesia doctor, who will explain all the test procedures.

Needle: Under this test, a needle is inserted through the chest wall into your lung tissues. Can also do needle biopsy test to test lymph nodes


Treatment for lung is known as the primary involvement of removal of cancer tumors. Your doctor will examine you first, and then they tell you which treatment you have to undergo because, for every stage, there is a different treatment; according to that, they will tell you what and all you will feel and the side effects of the treatment. But the signs will give you more hurt because everyone’s body will not be the same, and the method will provide you with different effects all the time; after getting the medicine, your little pain will decrease, and you will feel better. So if you think that you should talk to a doctor, you should not hesitate to ask your doubts.

There are some therapies for lung cancer they are:


 In surgery, your surgeon will remove the lung part, and he may also remove the lymph nodes from your chest to know the other signs and symptoms of cancer. Surgery might be the option when your lung cancer is grown larger; sometimes, you will tell you to undergo chemotherapy or radiation therapy; if these do not work, the doctor will do surgery. After the surgery, if lung cancer cells reoccur again, your doctor will suggest you for chemotherapy & radiation therapy after the treatment.

Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy means that you will give you chemo pills to kill the cancer cells from the bladder, and it stops spreading the infection in the lung cell.

Radiation therapy: Radiation treatment involves high-energy radiation to kill the cancer cells from the body. 

Targeted therapy: Targeted Treatment is a drug-like substance to find and attack specific cancer cells attacking the body.

Immunotherapy: Remedy treats keep your immune system more valuable, and it helps to understand the danger of cancer cells; therapy helps the tumor spread from growing.

Palliative therapy: People who have lung cancer also suffer from some symptoms and signs of cancer with the side effects of treatment. Palliative therapy is treatment with some medicines which will give you relief from pain. These start in non-small lung cancer cells. After retaking this treatment, you will tell you to continue treatment such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Stereotactic body radiotherapy: Stereotactic radiation treatment will complete in one or a few treatments. This treatment is just an option for people with small lung cancer who cannot undergo surgery; this treatment can also use in lung cancer, which has spread to other parts of the body, including the brain.

Other Treatment for Lung cancer

Rather than surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, there are some other treatments for lung cancer.

Radiofrequency Ablation:

This treatment used to treat non-small cell cancer cells at a very early stage in this treatment doctor use CT scanner to detect the tumor needle will pass through the tumor and radio waves are sent through the needle wave’s produces heat and kill the cancer cells. Radio frequency ablation is a highly complex treatment; while performing this treatment, the air pocket becomes trapped in the inner and outer layers of the lung. The air trapped can be treated by inserting a tube into the lung to release the air.


Cryotherapy is used to block the airways, and it is known as endobronchial obstruction, and its symptoms are breathing problems, coughs, and coughing with blood. This treatment is somewhat similar to radiotherapy, but in radiotherapy, we use radioactive sources here. We use a cryoprobe placed against the tumor cryoprobe and used in freezing temperature, which will help shrink the tumor.

Photodynamic Therapy:

PDT is used to treat the early stage of lung cancer; when the person does want to do surgery by PDT, it can remove the tumor by blocking the airways. PDT did in the 2nd stage of cancer; while performing this treatment, firstly, they will give you a therapeutic injection, which makes your cancer cells week.

To avoid Lung Cancer:

Avoid smoking; if you have never smoked, then don’t try to start. Try to talk to your children about tobacco tell them not to smoke; this main reason causes lung cancer; it’s hazardous.

•        Try to avoid secondhand smoking with him or her. Stop going to places where people smoke a lot, like bars &restaurants. If someone is smoking beside you, tell them to go outside and smoke.

• Check your house for radon levels, especially when you have radon, which is the major problem cause having high radon levels makes your home safer.

• Protect yourself from chemicals at work, take precautions, always cover your face with a mask for protection, and talk to your Doctor for more safety; what you can do was working in chemical areas with a high risk of lung cancer.

• Try to do regular exercise, yoga, walking, and some asana which help you lower your risk problems.

• Taking healthy diet food like fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals is the best nutrients. Stop taking pills that contain vitamins; they are very harmful to your health.

• Choose protein-rich food

Meat such as chicken and fish, eggs, beans, and soy foods

Living with lung cancer is very difficult because we will be suffering from breathing problems; we have several treatments for this lung cancer. You need to take care of yourself, make yourself comfortable, relax, do perform yoga or exercise, which will be helping you in breathing. Get a regular check-up done when your doctor has advised you.


1.Which is the most common treatment for lung cancer?

The common treatment for Lung Cancer is chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, immuno therapy, surgery, Palliative therapy, Stereotactic body radiotherapy.

2. How many rounds of chemo do you need for lung cancer?

Rounds for chemotherapy are each cycle has different periods of treatment to follow up to recover from lung cancer cycle period is 3 to 4 weeks and initial stage for treatment is 4 to 6 cycles.

3. What is the first line of treatment for lung cancer?

The first line of treatment for lung cancer is so advanced and is non-small cell lung cancer, and it is known as Non-platinum based regimens, and this therapy is based on chemotherapy.

4. What is the best treatment for stage 4 lung cancer?

The best treatment for 4th stage lung cancer is palliative chemotherapy; its base on platinum therapy and it is a combination of chemotherapy. Some patients whose reports are with lung cancer are malignant pleural effusion, and there have no other sites that have long-term cures with chemotherapy and surgery.

5. How long does it take for lung cancer to progress from Stage 1 to Stage 4?

Nearly it takes 3 to 6 months to multiply the lung cancer, and therefore it takes several years to reach the size of cancer; when the cancer tumor grows, it can diagnose through x-ray.


This information on this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content in this site contained through this Web site is for general information purposes only.


Common Cancer Myths

Common Cancer Myths

A cancer-like chronic illness not only disturbs the body but also affects the mind. In the growth, if someone is blocked, people can become irritated also. This imbalance leads to symptoms of all sorts, such as hyperactivity, lethargy, indifference, and even depression. When you’re here with the word cancer, you will come to know unknown stories and myths about how difficult it is to sort out the facts from the bottom. Have a look at some common mistake and understand what the absolute truths behind the myths.

27 Cancer Myths 1
Common Cancer Myths 1

Some people will have a fear of going near a doctor with a natural treatment plan. Some oncologists and cancer physicians don’t feel bad that their patients complement the patient whom unusual provides a cancer treatment visit.

If any doubts arise related to cancer diagnosis treatment, talk to an oncologist specialist who will clear all your doubts and answer well about your questions.

Some misleading products are scrolling about the cancer products that using plastic products causes cancer, using deodorants causes’ cancer. These all myths may cause worry in you and your family.

Rather than genetic reasons, there is are several reasons causing cancer diseases. Still, cancer has a vast area of illness; several myths misguide the people and start worrying about their treatment.

Before you get panic, take a look at the myths about cancer. Hence is the correct information about myths and disease itself.

Myth: Cancer Means Death:


Cancer is not a death sentence durability rate of cancer has increased in patients after getting the proper treatment; in fact, the people who have cancer have severed for more than five years after getting diagnosed with what type of cancer is detected.

The cancer is curable in any advanced stage of the treatment; it is essential to know there are several rates which are based on the more significant number of people that how long the person will survive from the diseases & which are depending factor of cancer that how it is growing slow or fast whether cancer it has spread in the body or no.

Myth: Cancer is always painful


Cancer is not painful getting treatment in the early stage; the primary problem is that not all tumors have the same symptoms; after examination, you will come to know. Many people say that cancer pain means discomfort caused by side effects during cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, believing that medicines could relieve the pain.

Different types of people have different opinions, so the critical point is that sometimes cancer might be painful; it can spread to several parts of the body and reduce the pain.

Myth: Can biopsy further spread cancer


Your doctors will tell you the plan some representation of tissue to remove, known as a biopsy. Taking a test is done, your doctor will suggest that what type of cancer the tissue. It can tell you that your tumor cells are growing quickly or slowly.

Taking biopsy treatment is done, you need to plan with your doctor’s team carefully. If you have done with the biopsy surgery, future surgery won’t interfere with removing bone cancer.

In this biopsy test, your doctor will remove a small amount of fluid and cell from your body and send for testing that further, you need a CT scan to guide the needle. For this doctor uses a big hand to remove more tissue from the body. In this biopsy treatment, the doctor will duck the tissue through the skin giving general anesthesia for analysis. A biopsy doctor will remove the entire tumor from the body by providing anesthesia for analyzing purposes.

Myth: Surgery causes cancer spread cancer


Still, there is no evidence that surgery can spread cancer in the other part of the body; after knowing that you have cancer, you should not delay getting the treatment. Please don’t trust any of these myths because you will feel worse during the recovery because you think surgery has happened. Some producers for cancer treatments surgeons will use unique methods to prevent cancer cells from spreading in the body removed by biopsies or surgery to remove the tumor.

Myth: Is cancer is contagious


No, not all cancer is contagious; some types of cancer are caused by bacteria and viruses like HPV, Cervical cancer, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, lymphomas, and stomach cancer. There is no need to avoid cancer because you cannot catch those who have cancer; you can spend time with them because they need you in their tough time, so always support them.

Myth: Not everyone with the same kind of cancer gets the same treatment type- Is it true?


Cancer is based on genes because cancers are of different types, and the treatment depends on which type of cancer detected in you and what treatment given? Should be given advanced level treatment or therapies, we have to check that the cancer is spreading in the body or not because everyone’s body will be different depending on that drugs will be suggested So everyone cancer is not identical.

Myth: Chemotherapy & radiation for cancer treatment is worse than getting the disease


Yes, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are two different types of therapies because they have their side effects. In chemotherapy, a needle passed through the vein, and another way can do chemotherapy through drugs. In radiation therapy, we use high radiation waves to kill the tumor cells; this therapy aims to destroy the cancer cells without hurting you or damaging you.

Myth: Constant use of Mobile Phones can cause brain cancer


Still, the research is going on because cell phones have low-frequency radio waves that do not damage your genes and cause cancer. Many people don’t know that there is background radiation around the environment. No one has proved yet still people should be more careful who are staying in high radiation areas like X-ray rooms and industrial sites because they produce high radioactive hazard signals.

Anyone in your family who has cancer then needs not be afraid.


Cancer is a genetic disorder defective in DNA; many people think that a family history of cancer means that they are also likely to have cancer. It is developed by smoking, environment, radiation, and different chemicals; even mutation can cause cancer when you inhale; this is the main reason cause during a lifetime, so family history is none related to it. Only 10% of cancer caused by family history, and 90-95% caused by individual lifestyle.

Myth: Cancer treatment only meant to delay death


Getting early treatment will reduce cancer risk; when you take proper treatment, it will increase your survival rate and give you quality life to patients.

Myth: Will eating sugar make my cancer worse?


It is not true that eating sugar can increase cancer; a small of sugar needs to your body every day to do work through intake of more sugar is not so good for health no ever is proven that sugar will increase the risk of cancer.

Myth: Do power lines causes’ cancer?


No, it’s not true that the power line emits both electric and magnetic energies. Magnetic energy will emit by the power lines at a low frequency in radiation, which does not damage the genes.

Myth: Only smokers get lung cancer


No, those who do not smoke can also get lung cancer because when you inhale chemicals that will cause problems to your lung, you will have to breathe pain. Smoking cigarettes, cigars are the main cause of lung cancer. But sometimes, it can occur due to genetic issues, lifestyle, intake of alcohol, and many more. So we cannot say smoking is the only reason for causing lung cancer. If you feel the symptoms of lung cancer, get a consult immediately with your doctor.

Myth: A superfood provides cancer


Cancer foods will positively affect your body fighting against cancer blueberries, beetroot, broccoli, garlic, and green tea are the best food preventions; they have antioxidants that help in removing lousy toxics elements from your body. Everyone is different, and their cancer is also other, and they react differently; these foods, when you intake, will help you fight against cancer.

If any doubts arise related to cancer diagnosis treatment, talk to an oncologist specialist who will clear all your doubts and answer well about you2r questions.

Some misleading products are scrolling about the cancer products that using plastic products causes cancer, using deodorants causes’ cancer. These all myths may cause worry in you and your family.

Rather than genetic reasons, there is a reason causing cancer diseases. Still, cancer has a vast area of illness; several myths misguide the people and start worrying about their treatment.

Before you get panic, take a look at the myths about cancer. Hence is the correct information about myths and disease itself.

How to boost up your immunity during Covid -19

Covid 19 pandemic has ruined people’s lives, so it is essential to know that taking a proper diet, maintaining a good lifestyle, keeping a social distance, and keeping yourself hygienic can guard against COVID-19. Presently, no research promotes the use of any supplement kit to guard against COVID-19 individually.



Covid – 19 named as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. And many countries are fighting dangerous virus effects on humanity; there are few significant measures that individuals can take to battle the pandemic.

Essential to maintain hygiene yourself keeping washing your hands regularly, mainly if you’re traveling by public transport, use sanitizer frequently and use a mask and avoid touching your hands to your mouth or nose after touching somewhere to avoid virus getting affecting your body;

Increase your immunity system, which is more important for patients who have diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and lung-related issues. They are at a high risk of getting Covid 19 affected; it starts increasing with people with less immunity.

Covid 19 is a spreading infection, so to avoid it, you should have solid immune power and don’t interact with such activities as smoking or consuming alcohol. It will directly affect your lungs.

Your immune system consists of multiple sets of cells to protect your body against invading viruses, toxins, and bacteria.

Protecting your immune system healthy is the key which avoids infection and bacteria from entering your body. Creating a healthy lifestyle by taking proper nutritious foods and enough sleep, and some essential exercise is the gate to increase your immune system power.

A nutritious diet will increase your immune system, which cannot go wrong; if you have reliable immune power, then you can protect your body from infections and disease, even from covid 19, till you get the vaccination to protect you from virus; there are some vitamins and food which you can include in your diet to build immune system strong and safeguard your body from viruses and bacteria.

Here is the list of some diet food and vitamins that will increase your immune system:

  • Improve your diet plan: Include broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, bell peppers, and green vegetables, which build resilience in the body against infection intake of a low-carb diet, which will help control bp and diabetics, and regular intake of fruits rich in beta carotene and other essential vitamins. You can intake omega-three fatty acids doses, and some natural supplements like ginger, Amla, and turmeric will build immunity power. You can include some natural herbs like black cumin, garlic, basil leaves, and sunflower seeds containing good sources of vitamin E and proteins in your cooking.
  • Don’t compromise in your sleep:  sleep at least 7-8 hours, which will help build your immunity power.
  •  Drink water 8-10 glasses daily: Drink water 8-10 glasses daily which keeps your body hydrated, and drinking water removes all harmful toxins from your body with water, sometimes intake juices containing vitamins c and tender water.
  • Perform some light exercise in the morning, which will increase your immunity power for a longer time, exercise at least 35-40 min; if you have not started your practice, then start now.
  • Stop taking alcohol and smoking, which is very risky for your body, and it will harm your lungs, and you will face problems while breathing.
  • Avoid Travelling as much as possible.
  • Drink herbal tea, or include ginger, or include black pepper in decoctions.
  • Avoid sugar and starting in taking Jaggery more.
  • Inhale steam daily with mint leaves or camphor oil.
  • Keep sanitizing your hands in every 5min.
  • Be in positive surroundings, which can increase your immunity power.
  • Intake vitamins D, vitamins c zinc, elderberry, medicinal mushrooms, B complex vitamins boost immunity supplements. To protect yourself and your loved ones from Covid 19 viruses till you get the vaccination, these are the food and some vitamins and herbs which will help in increasing your immunity power.


Know more about: Best Cancer Hospital In Hyderabad


Also Read: The 10 Best Food Items That Boost Your Immune System

How can we Prevent Bone Cancer?


How can we Prevent Bone Cancer?

Early detection is better to avoid risk factors. Sometimes getting early treatment will have best and successful treatment. So those who are at the risk of having bone cancer, visit doctor regularly and talk to him personally about your problem.

They will assist with a solution on how to overcome bone cancer based on the stage because it includes a syndrome known as Li-Fraumeni and retinoblastoma which are of high risk, as not all the cancers are the same and they don’t have same risk factors as compared to bone cancer, so to avoid this do regularly follow-ups with your doctor.

There is no proof yet of how to prevent from Bone cancer but below are the things that we can monitor and be aware of:

  1. Check for family history for cancer, if so then go for an early check up.
  2. Do some regular exercise, yoga and meditation to keep your body and mind cool and calm?
  3. Take proper diets which are high in nutrients and have liquid fluids more.
  4. Avoid eating tobacco, smoking and drinking alcohol.
  5. Eat fruits, intake more green leafy vegetables or calcium added foods.
  6. If you’re suffering from bone cancer then getting treatment at the early stages is best to avoid spreading cancer.

If you have any of these cancer symptoms, take Ayurveda treatment, and it will help reduce the cause of the disease and help you come out of lung cancer. For this, consider the Best cancer hospital in Hyderabad Punarjan Ayurveda.


This information on this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content in this site contained through this Web site is for general information purposes only.


What are Risk Factors of Bone Cancer?

Risk factor which affects your body and getting into a disease like cancer. Not all tumors have the same symptoms, and the same risk factors are different. To avoid more risk better, you need to take precautions. 

risks of bone cancer

What are risk factors of bone cancer?


Familial genes:  Bone cancer is a tiny tissue found in bone, and it appears in osteosarcomas, and it is known as a hereditary defect in the genes. Retinoblastoma is a type of cancer found in children, and it is known as eye cancer and has a high risk of increasing osteosarcoma.

Those who are having a family history of cancer are known as Li-Fraumeni syndrome. Retinoblastoma is an abnormal copy of the RB1 gene; those who are having this problem are also at a high risk of developing soft tissue cancer. The risk of osteosarcoma in bones is found near the eye.

Paget’s illness: Paget disease is known as non-cancerous, but it affects one or more bones; it builds in abnormal bone tissue and occurs in older people who are above 50 years of age. When the bones are affected, they become heavy and thick, and they become weaker than the normal bones and occur in fractures. A Paget disease occurs when many bones are affected, and they do not take life.

Chordomas: Chordomas are an inherited tuberous syndrome, affecting the mutation genes like TSC1 and TSC2 seen to be at a higher risk in childhood. But sometimes the genes are not found, and they are not responsible, but they are related to the Chordomas family and have a link to change the chromosomes.

Multiple osteochondromas (benign bone tumors):  Multiple osteochondromas syndrome is known as inherited conditions that result in cracks in human bones; these are mainly known as cartilage; they are painful and cause fractures in bones. Those suffering from multiple osteochondromas are also at high risk, and this type of mutation is found in one of three types of genes.

Multiple enchondromas (benign animal tissue tumors): Enchondromas generally began in cartilage tumors, growing inside the bone. Those who are suffering from many tumors are known as multiple enchondromatosis also are at high risk.

Radiation: Those who have undergone radiation therapy are having a high risk of developing bone cancer. Bone cancer is related to radiation therapy for several years and sometimes for decades after the treatment. Getting done radiation therapy, we will get a clear picture of bone cancer developing in the body. Mainly bone cancer has occurred because of radiation therapy.

Bone marrow transplantation: Bone marrow transplantation is also known as stem cell transplantation; this is used in some types of cancer; they produce peripheral stems in the blood depending on the stem cells.


Still there is no evidence found. Sometimes going under the injury may cause doctors to focus more on injured parts of bone. 

Know more about Bone Cancer in detail here


This information on this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content in this site contained through this Web site is for general information purposes only.

Treatment for Bladder Cancer

bladder cancer

There are different treatment types for different types of patients for bladder cancer; some treatments are used on standard treatment, and some on clinical trials.

What are the five types of standard treatment used:

1) Surgery: TURBT is the most common surgery for Bladder Cancer. It is known as transurethral resections; it takes the sample from your bladder tissues to determine that you have cancer or no or if the tumor has spread out. In this, you first need to do the blood test and chest x-ray and make sure that you have a healthy TUR surgery.

2) Radiation therapy: Radiation treatment includes high-energy radiation to kill the cancer cells from the body. It does not hurt; you need to follow up TURBT for removing bladder surgery. 

3) Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy means that you will give you chemo pills to kill the cancer cells from the bladder, and it stops the infection the bladder cell. 

4) Immunotherapy: Treatment helps you keep your immune system more substantial, and it helps to recognize the danger of cancer cells; therapy helps the tumor spread from growing.

5) Targeted therapy: Targeted Treatment uses a drug-like substance to find and attack specific cancer cells in the body. They are less harmful than the normal cells compared to chemotherapy and targeted therapy.

Knowing your Bladder Cancer stages:

T defines the primary tumor, which grows through the bladder wall and nearly increases in the tissues.

N defines that the lymph nodes will spread in the bladder. Lymph nodes are bean-sized in shape, which collects the immune system cells to circulate cancer.

M defines as metastasized cancer that spreads in the organ-like lungs, livers, or lymph nodes near the bladder.

The early stages of cancers are called stage 0, and then they range from steps 1 (1) through IV (4).

How are Bladder Cancer Treated and Different stages of treatment?

There are four stages for Bladder Cancer:

(i) Stage 0: – The cancer is non-invasive papillary Bladder Cancer. It has not grown into the bladder wall’s muscles or connective tissues or spread to lymph nodes or distant sites.

(ii) Stage I: – Cancer has grown to the connective tissues under the bladder wall layer. 

(iii) Stage II: – Cancer has spread to the thick muscle layer of the bladder wall, but it has not entirely passed through the muscles to reach the layer of fatty tissues that surrounds the bladder. 

(iv) Stage III: – Cancer has entirely grown through the bladder into the layers of fatty tissues surrounding the bladder. That may spread into the prostate, uterus, or vagina. 

(v) Stage IV: – Cancer has spread through the bladder wall to the pelvic or abdominal wall and has spread to lymph nodes and distant sites, such as bones, liver, or lungs.

Treatment of Bladder Cancer at different stages:


Treatment for stage 0 and stage 1

In this stage, 0 and stage 1 of bladder Cancer might need surgery to remove the tumor from the bladder, immunotherapy, or chemotherapy, which requires taking medication that causes your immune system to kill the cancer cells.

Treatment for stage 2 and stage 3

In this stage of bladder cancer, we need to remove a part of the bladder in accretion to chemotherapy. Can do chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or radiation decrease the tumor before the surgery to treat cancer when surgery is not an option to kill the remaining cancer cells from recurring? The removal of the whole bladder is known as radical cystectomy, comes after the surgery to create a new way for the urine to pass from the body. Can do chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or radiation

Treatment for stage 4 bladder cancer

In the 4th stage of Bladder Cancer, chemotherapy, radiation, and immunotherapy without surgery are easy symptoms and extension of life. Radical cystectomy helps remove lymph nodes followed by surgery to make a new way for urine to exit from the body.

Bladder cancer can come back after getting the treatment, also known as superficial. Some tests we do to diagnose to find out the stages of cancer can repeat. But sometimes, the difficulty we repeat is because to check the treatment how it is working on the patient. To avoid this much, you need to do regular follow-ups and get the treatment session on time and healthy food.

Check out more about Bladder Cancer in detail here



This information on this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content in this site contained through this Web site is for general information purposes only.

How can we Prevent Blood Cancer?

prevention of blood cancer
After doing lots of research, scientists cannot find ways to prevent blood cancer types and did not find any risk factors for this type of cancer, but they have some key ways to reduce the known ones. The simple way to avoid blood cancer is that we have to boost our immune which can reduce some risk factors of Blood cancer.

Avoid Exposure to Radiations:

Try to avoid, if possible, the high doses of medicines and harmful radiation during the treatment because patients often come into the high intensity of radiation which increases the way to blood cancer.

Avoid Exposure to Chemicals:

Chemicals that are used in the workplace are highly related to the chance of developing blood cancer. Chemicals used in textiles, rubber, leather, dye paint, and print industries have natural chemical occurrences, and these chemicals agents can increase the risk of Blood Cancer.

Avoid Smoking or Tobacco:

Smoking cigarettes is known to be the most common risk factor for Blood cancer. Cigarette smoking can start growing Blood Cancer. Those who are smoking 5 to 7 times more can get Blood cancer than non-smokers.

Regular Exercise:

Doing regular exercise keeps your body fit and healthy. Doing 30 min daily exercise will have less chance of getting affected from Blood Cancer.

Eat Healthy Food:

Consuming lots of fruits and vegetables will give you more benefits and fewer chances of developing cancer. Taking a healthy diet will help you from bladder cancer.

Intake liquid fluids:

Trying to intake more liquid fluids like tender water, juices, and drinking water is another way to get rid of developing cancer cells in the body and harmful chemicals that will pass from urine.

Protect your skin:

Avoid going out in the afternoon; the sun’s rays can harm your skin.Use sunglasses before going outside that will protect your eyes from harmful radiations.Apply sunscreen before going out from the house creams containing SPF 25 or 30.

Get vaccinated:

Get vaccinations like hepatitis B or Human papillomavirus (HPV) that will keep your body safe.

Try to avoid Risky behaviors:

Risky behaviors like practicing sex or sharing needles. Get regular follow-up with your Doctors.

Know more detailed information about Blood Cancer.


This information on this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content in this site contained through this Web site is for general information purposes only.

What are the Risk Factors of Blood Cancer?

risk factors of blood cancer

What are the Risk Factors of Blood Cancer?

Exposure to a high level of radiation and inhaling chemicals are the high-risk factors, and leukemia is generally known as Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).


Factors increasing your risk for developing leukemia Blood Cancer include:


  1. Previous cancer treatment: Patients who have taken medicine for various chemotherapy types of cancer have a high chance of increasing blood cancer risk (Leukemia)
  2. Genetic Disorder: Suffering from Down syndrome, it has a genetic abnormality that plays a vital role in developing leukemia and is highly associated with it.
  3. Family history: If any of your family members are being diagnosed or getting treatment for Blood Cancer, then you’re at a high risk of leukemia.
  4. Avoid Exposure to Chemicals: Chemicals used in the workplace are highly related to the chance of developing blood cancer. Chemicals used in textiles, rubber, leather, dye paint, and print industries have natural chemical occurrences, and these chemicals agents can increase the risk of Blood Cancer.
  5. Avoid Smoking or Tobacco: Smoking cigarettes is the most common risk factor for Blood cancer. Cigarette smoking can start growing Blood Cancer. Those who are smoking 5 to 7 times more can get Blood cancer than non-smokers.
  6. Avoid Exposure to Radiations: Try to avoid, if possible, the high doses of medicines and harmful radiation during the treatment because patients often come into the high intensity of radiation which can lead to blood cancer.

If you have any of these cancer symptoms, take Ayurveda treatment, and it will help reduce the cause of the disease and help you come out of cancer. For this, consider the Best cancer hospital in Hyderabad Punarjan Ayurveda.


This information on this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content in this site contained through this Web site is for general information purposes only.


Know more: Best Cancer Hospital In Hyderabad

Blood Cancer (Leukaemia): Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

blood cancer
Introduction to Blood Cancer:

Leukemia is known as abnormal white blood cell growth in the blood and bone marrow. The 11th most prevalent cancer worldwide is leukemia. Leukemia, which signifies under the heading of Raktarbud, is not a new Ayurveda disease. The first causative factor for abnormal cancer cell development, like leukemia, is the mutation of any carcinogens.

Blood is cancer (which produces blood cells in the body). A person with Leukaemia suffers from irregular blood cell development, usually leukocytes (white blood cells). Leukemia is categorized as myeloid and lymphoid based on the mainly involved cell types and as acute and chronic based on its natural history.

 Firstly, the effective forms are CML (Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia), CLL (Chronic Lymphoblastic/Lymphocytic Leukaemia), and AML (Acute Myeloid Leukaemia), ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic/Lymphocytic Leukaemia).14.1 million people in the world are diagnosed with cancer.

Hairy cell leukemia (HCL) is a rare variant of lymphoid neoplasia.

According to the World Health Organization, by the year 2020, cancer deaths are expected to increase by 104% worldwide. However, cancer has caused an estimated 600,000-700,000 deaths in India. With about 352,000 new cases diagnosed in 2012[2% of the total], Leukaemia is the 11th most prevalent cancer worldwide. It estimates that there will be 52,380 new leukemia cases and an estimated 52,380 new Leukemia cases in 2014.

What is Blood Cancer?

Leukemia (blood cancer) is cancer that primarily affects white blood cells in blood cells. The blood potion that gives the body energy to fight infections is white blood cells. When a person has Leukemia, DNA mutation occurs and produces many immature white cells, called Blasts. Accordingly, leukemia affects the multiple cell types in the blood and is classifies into different types: acute myeloid Leukemia (AML), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), and Leukemia of hair cells (HCL).

Leukemia is a category of disorders described by malignant blood-forming cell transformation. Leukemic cell proliferation takes place mainly in the bone marrow and, in some cases, in the lymphoid tissue. Ultimately, irregular cells arise in the peripheral blood, increasing the total number of white cells to a high level.

What are the types of Blood Cancer?

Leukemia is a problem that occurs in a lot of white blood cells being unable to combat infections in a generation. The disease is categorized into four forms depending on the type of white blood cell it affects and whether it progresses rapidly (acute) or gradually (chronic).

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL):

A type of blood cancer often referred to as Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia and Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia is Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL). In the White Blood Cells (WBCs), located in the bone marrow, their origins lie. Though primarily a blood cancer, ALL can spread to other organs such as the liver, the lymph nodes, and the spleen. While ALL is the least common form of adult-affected cancer, it is substantially more prevalent among children.

Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML):

Is it blood and marrow cancer that generally spreads to white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets? It is the most prevalent form of acute leukemia in adults and commonly affects people over 65 years of age and is more prevalent in men than in women. AML cells build up in the bone marrow and blood, so there is less space for white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets to build up. It results in infections, low levels of hemoglobin, and heavy bleeding leukemia cells may spread to other areas of the body, including the brain, spinal cord, skin, and gums.

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL):

In adults, this is the most common form of leukemia. It begins with the lymphocytes in the bone marrow, like everything, but develops more slowly. Until years after cancer begins, many people with CLL do not show any symptoms. CLL usually impacts individuals in their 70s or older.

Chronic myeloid Leukemia (CML):

In myeloid cells, this blood cancer begins, like AML. But slowly, the abnormal cells expand. In males, CML is significantly more common than in females. It typically affects adults, although, in some situations, children may also be affected.

What are the symptoms of Blood Cancer?

• Poor blood clotting

• Frequent infections

• Weak immunity

• Swollen lymph nodes, enlarged liver or spleen

• Easy bleeding or bruising

• Recurrent nose bleeding

• Tiny spots on the skin

• Excessive sweating at night

• Other symptoms include nausea, fever, chills, night sweats, flu-like symptoms, weight loss, bone pain & tiredness.

What causes Blood Cancer?

No one knows what causes leukemia, precisely. There are specific rare chromosomes in people who have them, but the chromosomes don’t cause leukemia. We exactly cannot determine what and why a person develops blood cancer. Research indicates that particular variables may increase the risk for a person to develop this cancer. The identified features that have a higher likelihood of developing cancer are risk factors. There are several different types of blood cancers, and there are also a few common factors, though each has its own set of risk factors.

What are the Risk Factors of Blood Cancer?

You can’t stop leukemia, but you may be at greater risk if you do: some of the risk factors of


•Chemical Exposures

•Chemotherapy drugs

•Radiation exposure

•Certain blood disorders

•Genetic Defects

How is Blood Cancer Diagnosed?

•    Blood tests

•    Biopsy

•    Bone marrow exam

•      testing like PET scan, CT scan, and chest X-ray

•    Physical exam

What are the survival rates of Blood Cancer?

Blood cancer is known as the abnormality of blood cells, and it can occur anywhere in the blood cells. And most blood cancer cells start in the bone marrow, where the blood cells begin to form.

For Blood Cancer, people’s survival rate to live is five years or more years after the treatment increased significantly over the past years. The survival rate for myeloma is 42% and for Hodgkin Lymphoma is 85%.

How is Blood Cancer treated at different stages of the treatment?

A stage of Cancer generally refers to the growth of the tumor, and it will spread to another organ of the body. But blood cancer does not have any growth of the tumor and thus it has different stages of occurring. Blood cancer can be found in the white blood cells and they can build in any organ like lymph nodes, liver, spleen etc.

There are four stages of blood cancer:

Stage 1: In stage 1, the expansion of the lymph node is observed. These happen because of the sudden increase in the number of lymphocytes produced. In this stage, the risk of blood cancer is minimal as the cancer is localized to only the lymph nodes.

Stage 2: In the 2 stages of cancer lymphocytes will grow at a very high rate when the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes are enlarged. And it is not necessary that in this cancer all the parts of will be affected.

Stage 3: In the 3rd stage of cancer anemia develops and the organs are still found enlarged in the liver and spleen.

Stage 4: In the 4th stage of cancer is known as the highest risk of ration. The blood platelet rate starts falling rapidly. This cell starts affecting the lungs and the parts of the body and anemia is likely to be known as acute lymphatic.

Treatment for blood cancer lays on many factors such as type, age, and medical conditions of the patients. The treatment will be based on your health care team including hematologists, medicinal oncologist and radiation oncologist the doctors will suggest you the best treatment plan for you.

•    Chemotherapy

•    Biological therapy

•    Targeted therapy

•    Radiation therapy

•    Bone marrow transplantation

 After getting the treatment from blood cancer patients needs to follow up care which will involve physical examination, blood tests bone marrow test and some test to detect the problems of blood cancer treatment

How can we prevent Blood Cancer?

After doing lots of research, scientists cannot find ways to prevent types of blood cancer and did not find any risk factors for this type of cancer, but they have some key ways to reduce the known ones. The simple is we have to boost our immune system which can reduce some risk factors of Blood cancer.

Avoid Exposure to Radiations:

Try to avoid, if possible, the high doses of medicines and harmful radiation during the treatment because patients often come into the high intensity of radiation which increases the way to blood cancer.

Avoid Exposure to Chemicals:

Chemicals that are used in the workplace are highly related to the chance of developing blood cancer. Chemicals used in textiles, rubber, leather, dye paint, and print industries have natural chemical occurrences, and these chemicals agents can increase the risk of Blood Cancer.

Avoid Smoking or Tobacco:

Smoking cigarettes is known to be the most common risk factor for Blood cancer. Cigarette smoking can start growing Blood Cancer. Those who are smoking 5 to 7 times more can get Blood cancer than non-smokers.

Regular Exercise:

Doing regular exercise keeps your body fit and healthy. Doing 30 min daily exercise will have less chance of getting affected from Blood Cancer.

Eat Healthily:

Consuming lots of fruits and vegetables will give you more benefits and fewer chances of developing cancer. Taking a healthy diet will help you from bladder cancer.

Intake liquid fluids:

Try to intake more liquid fluids like tender water, juices, and drinking water is another way to get rid of developing cancer cells in the body and harmful chemicals that will pass from urine.

What are the Facts about Blood Cancer?

•    Blood cancer will affect both adults and children.

•    Survival rate of blood cancer has seriously improved in the last 20 years.

•    Screening tests for early detection of blood cancer is not effective.

•    There are 3 main types of Blood cancer: Blood cancer (Leukemia) which is found in your blood cells and in the bone marrow.

•    Lymphoma cancer which affects the lymphatic system of the body

•    Myeloma affects the blood plasma cells in your body.

•    Blood Cancer (leukemia) is the 10th most type of cancer occurring in people.

•    Age is the most important risk factor for developing myeloma. People who are under the age of 45 are likely to develop this disease and those who are at the age of 67 or older have a high chance of developing the risk.

•    Nearly 31 % of males and females are living with leukemia and more than females males have been diagnosed with leukemia and die from these diseases.

Living and Managing with Blood cancer:

Lifestyle changes can help: Living and managing blood cancer you should grow or build your immune system strong while you’re going under the treatment. Try to control your emotional looks if you control them then your life will be complete during the treatment or related to the illness.  Reduce the risk of medical problems which will complicate your health.  So try being healthy and going for regular follow-ups so some risk may reduce your problem.

FAQs of Blood Cancer

1. Does everyone with cancer get anemia?

No, anemia is a common state of non-cancer condition to develop. Some types of cancer can help the body to make blood flow easily. Some cancer patients do not have anemia.

2. How long can you live with blood cancer?

Surviving with blood cancer in people is five years or more than that after being diagnosed from past decades it has increased

3. Can blood cancer be cured permanently?

Blood cancer can permanently be curable. When it comes to blood cancer, getting rid of blood cancer to take complete treatment and medications is a high chance to ensure patients get complete cancer-free.

4.  Which blood cancer is most dangerous?

Blood cancer is most dangerous, and it is classified by how fast they progress and they affect the cells. This type of cancer is called acute myelogenous leukemia.

5.  Is blood cancer curable in the last stage?

Yes, chemotherapy is one of the best treatments for curing blood cancer. For patients who are below 60 years, the remission rate is 70-80%, and the survival period is five years or more than five years.

6.  How does blood cancer starts?

Blood cancer is known as hematologic cancer, starting in the bone marrow, where blood is produced in blood cells. Blood cancer starts growing when the abnormal cells start growing out of control.

7.  Which stage of blood cancer is curable?

Blood cancer (Leukemia) is known as blood-forming tissues in the bone marrow and the lymphatic system. Blood cancer can be affected in adults and children. It can see as the productions of white blood cells in the bone marrow.

8.  What are the 7 warning signs of cancer?

    Warning Signs of Cancer

·   Change in bowel or bladder habits.

·   Sore that does not heal.

·   Unusual bleeding.

·   Lump in the breast or elsewhere.

·   Difficulty in swallowing.

·   Change in a wart or mole.

·   Cough or hoarseness 

9.  At what stage of blood cancer is chemotherapy used?

In tumor syndrome, chemotherapy’s side effects are commonly found in patients and have many leukemia cells in the body. After taking the chemotherapy kills the body’s leukemia cells; they break and open contents in the bloodstream

10. What foods cure leukemia?

· Consume more Fruits and vegetables.

· Eat Whole grains and legumes.

· Intake Low-fat, high-protein foods, such as fish, poultry, and lean meats.

· Low-fat dairy.



This information on this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content in this site contained through this Web site is for general information purposes only.

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